... forget the rose colored lenses. my world is colorful enough...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trying my hand at Hangul

As of this week, I can successfully sound out most of the characters. Hangul handwriting is getting a bit better. I imagine my scrawl looks a bit like a three year old.
Speaking it is much more difficult, but I'm on my way pro-status. Counting 1-20, no problem. Hello and Thank You and Goodbye come out quite nicely. Coming over here, Annyong was the only Korean I knew, thank you very much Arrested Development. And when I get here I'm told that isn't even proper unless you are close with someone--and I'm told that it takes a lot to be close to someone. Seeing them everyday isn't enough to merit a simple Annyong. Annyong-ha-se-yo. The girl who works at the 711 has become my tutor for proper terms. She gets a kick out of it.
Korean is about syllables and mouthfuls of them. But I'm also told not to open your mouth too much or over enunciate. So we keep our mouths slightly closed, hiss through our teeth some jibberish and hope for the best.
I'm gonna be a rockstar at charades.


  1. Lissa, I so enjoy reading your posting. It is as though I travel with you. God bless and be safe. I'll help take care of your Dad. :)

  2. Great to see you have a blog so I can enjoy South Korea (at least vicariously) as you explore a new branch of the world :)

    Love this! Your comment about charades made me laugh--I can imagine it's got to be hard to communicate with only basic skills going in. Glad the folks are being so helpful and whatnot.

    I can't wait to read more!
